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Under existing law, a school district, charter school, or board of cooperative services notifies parents of students enrolled in a school if an employee working in the school or who had contact with students is charged with certain felony offenses relating to violence, drugs, or unlawful sexual behavior. The bill adds the following offenses to the parent notification requirements: Any violation that involves the sale, dispensing, distribution, or transfer to a student of certain controlled substances, marijuana, or marijuana concentrates; and Unlawfully providing any alcohol beverage to a student or contributing to the delinquency of a minor relating to providing any alcohol beverage to a student. Under current law all managers and employees of a medical marijuana business or a retail marijuana business with day-to-day operational control must be Colorado residents when they apply for licensure. The bill repeals this residency requirement. Concerning clarification that the prohibition on an employer terminating an employee for the employee's lawful off-duty activities extends to activities that are lawful under state law even if those activities are not lawful under federal law. Current law states that a common paymaster is not a single employing unit for purposes of considering the services performed by another employing unit subject to a single or common payroll. The bill creates an exception for an employee leasing companyor other employing entity that is owned by one or more persons who have a medical or retail marijuana license and who own at least 50% of an entity that shares the employee leasing company's services. The employee leasing company or other employing entity is not considered a common paymaster for the purposes of the "Colorado Employment Security Act". Concerning penalties for certain violations pursuant to the "Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 2013". Sunset Process -House Finance Committee. The bill implements the recommendations of the department of regulatory agencies' sunset review of marijuana financial services cooperatives by repealing the authorizing law. Concerning the continuation of the department of agriculture's regulatory functions related to persons who work with agricultural products, and, in connection therewith, implementing recommendations contained in the 2019 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies concerning the "Commodity Handler Act" and the "Farm Products Act".
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